36-12 Gæsalapír
in Einband


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Gæsalappír knitted in Einband.
An overview of materials and knitting strength is at the bottom of the page

The pattern is only sold together with yarn for the shawl.

Einband you will find here.

Size: One size

Length: 180 cm
Width in the middle of the front: 40 cm


1026 light ash heather: 2 ngl

Light running
0056 ash heather: 2 ngl

Knitting needle:

Circular needle no. 6 80 cm

Knit strength:

The knitting strength is only indicative, as there may be individual differences from knitter to knitter.

16 stitches garter stitch with 1 thread einband on needle no. 6 = 10 x 10 cm