Mikkeli sweater

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Mikkeli sweater

An overview of materials and knitting strength is at the bottom of the page.

The recipe is in Norwegian.

The recipe comes as a PDF file.

You can find the yarn here lettlopi

Mikkeli sweater

Sizes: XXS (XS) S (M) L (XL) 2XL
Overall width: 80 (89) 98 (111) 120 (129) 138 cm
Length (measured mid back): 61 (63) 66 (68) 69 (70) 71 cm

Knit strength: 18 mi stockinette stitch on needles 4.5 mm = 10 cm
Needles: Circular needles 3.5 mm and 4.5 mm (40 and 80/100 cm)
Circular needle 5.0 mm is recommended for pattern knitting (40 and 100/120 cm)
Double pointed needles 3.5 mm and 4.5 mm (iron if using Magic Loop)

Yarn: Léttlopi from Istex (50 g = 100 m)
A 300 (350) 350 (400) 450 (500) 550 g
B + C 50 (50) 50 (100) 100 (100) 150 g
D 50 (50) 50 (100) 100 (150) 150 g

Color codes: Lettlopi from Istex –
A. 0054
B. 0051
C. 1704
D. 1703

Yarn alternative: Luna/Vidde/Varde from Hillesvåg

Color codes:
A. Vidde – 69321 natural grey
B. Luna – 56400 unbleached white
C. Width – 69335 orange
D. Luna – 56421 warm yellow

All avid salmon anglers worldwide have heard of the legendary Mikkeli in the Alta River.
A fishing spot many dream of visiting for a lifetime, without the dream coming true.
His Majesty King Harald has been fishing in Mikkeli every year since the early 90s. I have been lucky enough to have several fishing days in Mikkeli, in scenic surroundings.
The Mikkeli Sweater is a roomy outdoor sweater that is perfect for salmon fishing, but also for other outdoor activities. It is knitted from the bottom up in the outdoor yarn Léttlopi from Istex.

Size guide
The measurements in the recipe only apply if the specified knitting strength is observed.
The sweater must have a movement of approx. 5 to 10 cm in relation to the desired chest measurement.
Sizes XXS (XS) S (M) L (XL) 2XL fits a chest measurement of
80-85 (85-90) 90-95 (95-100) 100-110 (110-120) 120-130 cm.
Measure yourself or the person you are knitting for around the chest to find the right size.
If the measurement shows 90 cm around the chest, you should knit size S, which has an overall width of 98 cm.