Wool package | Hopi Barn – 3-strand knitting yarn

Price depends on size

Fast deliveryDay to day delivery, if ordered before 2pm on weekdays.
Fast deliveryEnvironmentally sound production
Fast deliveryWe only withdraw the money when the order is dispatched.

The measurements of the sweater
Sleeves: (25) 29 (31) 35 (38) 42 cm
Overall width: (62) 68 (71) 75 (80) 83 cm
Length of bodice: (27) 29 (31) 35 (36) 37 cm
Full length: (38) 42 (45) 50 (52) 54 cm

XS = 2 years
S = 4 years
M = 6 years
L = 8 years
XL = 10 years
XXL = 12